会计术语名称 | 英文名称 |
事业单位会计 | accounting for non-profit organizations |
行政单位会计 | accounting of governmental units |
医院会计制度 | accounting regulations for hospitals |
高等学校会计制度 | accounting regulations for institutions of higher learning |
科学事业单位会计制度 | accounting regulations for scientific research institutes |
行政单位会计制度 | accounting regulations of governmental units |
事业单位会计准则 | accounting standards for non-profit organizations |
医院会计报表 | accounting statements of hospitals |
事业单位应缴款项 | agent funds and tax payable non-profit organization |
行政单位会计报表分析 | analysis of accounting |
医院会计报表分析 | analysis of accounting statements of hospitals |
行政单位拨入经费 | appropriated funds of governmental units |
预拨款项 | appropriation in advance |
事业单位资产 | assets for non-profit organizations |
行政单位资产 | assets of governmental units |
医院资产 | assets of hospitals |
高等学校预算管理方式 | budget management method of colleges and universities |
行政单位预算管理办法 | budget management method of governmental units |
医院预算管理办法 | budget management method of hospital |
事业单位预算管理方式 | budget management methods for non-profit organizations |
预算结余 | budget surplus |
财政总预算会计制度 | budgetary accounting regulations for public finance |
医院会计科目 | chart of accounts for hospitals |
高等学校会计 | colleges and universities accounting |
高等学校会计报表分析 | colleges and universities analysis of accounting statements |
高等学校资产 | colleges and universities assets |
高等学校支出 | colleges and universities expenditures |
高等学校负债 | colleges and universities liabilities |
高等学校凈资产 | colleges and universities net assets |
高等学校收入 | colleges and universities revenues |
高等学校结余 | colleges and universities surplus |
事业单位流动资产 | current assets for non-profit organizations |
行政单位暂存款 | deposit payable of governmental units |
事业单位支出 | expenditure of non-profit organization |
资金调拨支出 | expenditure on allocated and transferred fund |
财政周转金支出 | expenditure on revolving fund |
专用基金支出 | expenditure on special purpose fund |
行政单位支出 | expenditures of governmental units |
医院支出 | expenditures of hospitals |
国家决算 | final accounts of state revenue and expenditure |
高等学校财务制度 | financial regulations for colleges and universities |
医院财务制度 | financial regulations for hospitals |
科学事业单位财务制度 | financial regulations for scientific research institutes |
行政单位财务规则 | financial rules of governmental units |
事业单位固定资产 | fixed assets for non-profit organizations |
事业单位固定基金 | fixed funds non-profit organizations |
行政单位固定基金 | fixed funds of governmental units |
基金预算支出 | fund budget expenditure |
基金预算收入 | fund budget revenue |
行政单位经费支出 | fund expenditures of governmental units |
医院基金 | funds of hospitals |
一般预算支出 | general budget expenditure |
一般预算收入 | general budget revenue |
事业单位基金 | general funds non-profit organizations |
中国预算会计 | governmental and non-profit organization accounting in China |
上级补助收入 | grant from the higher authority |
财政补助收入 | grant from the state |
对附属单位补助 | grant to the auxiliary organization |
医院会计 | hospital accounting |
财政周转金收入 | income from revolving fund |
事业单位负债 | liabilities for non-profit organizations |
行政单位负债 | liabilities of governmental units |
医院负债 | liabilities of hospitals |
事业单位财务清算 | liquidation of non-profit organization |
事业单位借入款项 | loans non-profit organization |
其他收入 | miscellaneous gains |
事业单位凈资产 | net assets for non-profit organizations |
行政单位凈资产 | net assets of governmental units |
经营支出 | operating expense |
经营收入 | operating revenue |
事业单位对外投资 | outside investments for non-profit organizations |
附属单位缴款 | payment from the auxiliary organization |
上缴上级支出 | payment to the higher authority |
行政单位暂付款 | prepayments of governmental units |
资金调拨收入 | proceeds from allocated and transferred fund |
专用基金收入 | proceeds from special purpose fund |
财政总预算会计 | public finance budgetary accounting |
财政总预算会计年终清理 | public finance budgetary accounting-year-end checking |
财政总预算会计年终结账 | public finance budgetary accounting-year-end closing |
财政支出 | public finance expenditure |
财政资产 | public finance-assets |
预算周转金 | public finance-budgetary revolving fund |
财政性存款 | public finance-cash in bank |
预算举借债务 | public finance-debts |
财政负债 | public finance-liabilities |
财政凈资产 | public finance-net assets |
财政收入 | public finance-revenue |
财政周转基金 | public finance-revolving fund |
拨入专款 | restricted appropriation |
事业单位收入 | revenue for non-profit organization |
行政单位收入 | revenues of governmental units |
医院收入 | revenues of hospitals |
科学事业单位会计 | scientific research institute accounting |
科学事业单位资产 | scientific research institutes' assets |
科学事业单位预算 | scientific research institutes' budgeting |
科学事业单位支出 | scientific research institutes' expenditures |
科学事业单位收入 | scientific research institutes' revenues |
科学事业单位结余 | scientific research institutes' surplus |
科学事业单位会计报表分析 | scientific research institutes-analysis of accounting statements |
科学事业单位成本费用管理 | scientific research institutes-cost management |
事业单位专用基金 | special funds non-profit organizations |
国家预算 | state budget |
基金预算结余 | surplus of fund budget |
行政单位结余 | surplus of governmental units |
医院结余 | surplus of hospitals |
事业单位结余 | surplus of non-profit organization |
专用基金结余 | surplus of special purpose funds |
中华人民共和国预算法 | the budget law of the people’s Republic of China |
行政单位年终清理和结转 | yearend checking and closing of governmental units |
* 一蚊开公司 — 香港人创业 只须一蚊(不包括政府收费用)。
* 会计做账优惠 每年低至$2000
* 小企会计税务服务套餐 每年低至$3000
* 基本公司秘书套餐 每年只需HK$499
* 独立多功能办公桌低至租金每月HK$1,088(一年租约),还加设首月试坐价HK$488。
* 服务式办公室每月只需HK$6,000
* 虚拟办公室服务每月只需HK$63
* 廉价!超平现成公司 $3499 (包政府费)创业人仕 $2999 (包政府费)
* 一小时开公司优惠 只需HK$8999 (包政府费)
* 一天开公司优惠 只需HK$5999 (包政府费)
* 商务e线优惠促销价HK$150/月(包括独立香港电话号码一个)。